How long have you been doing this and how much experience do you have?
- Darcy has been trapping since he was 4 years old so that means he has been doing this for over 50 years.
- NWC has been a full time business since 1997.
Why does NWC NOT relocate all animals?
- Some animals can be relocated like snakes and turtles, but not all animals can be relocated.
- The spread of diseases.
- Relocation is not humane.
- The animal will become someone else’s problem. Animals that break into homes know how to do it and will become “repeat offenders”.
- It is against the law to move an animal more than a kilometre from where it is captured. Anyone relocating an animal more than a kilometer is subject to large fine.
- Relocated animals often die, by getting hit on the highway trying to return to there home, fights over territory, predation and starvation.
- Animals that live their whole life in a city do not know how to find food and survive in rural areas.
What is Rabies?
- Rabies is a virus that leads to a viral infection. It is almost always fatal.
- It affects almost all mammals (cats, dogs, raccoons, skunks, bats, foxes, coyotes, opossums, rabbits and hares). It is extremely rare in small rodents (mice and rats).
- It is transmitted by infected saliva or nervous system tissue getting into your eyes, nose mouth or an open wound.
- Symptoms of rabies - unproved aggression, stumbling, loss of coordination, partial paralysis. If throat muscles become paralyzed the animal will foam at the mouth and make unusual noises. Unusual animal activity in daylight, bats found on the ground (can’t climb), animal no longer eats or drinks, looks to be walking with sore feet.
What should I do if I see a rabid animal?
- Not every animal you see with those symptoms will have rabies. They may have distemper, toxoplasmosis or even been hit by a car. If it is birthing season the mother may just be taking a break or trying to find food for the juveniles in the daytime. However, treat every animal like they have a disease, and do not touch or play with them. If it becomes evident that there is definitely something wrong with the animal contact your local health unit.
What do I do if I come in contact with a rabid animal?
- Call the local health unit immediately.
What do I do if I have a bat in my house?
- Trap the bat in a room by shutting the door.
- Fill the gap beneath the door with a towel and plug any other way it could exit the room.
- If you live with elderly or young children report it to the health unit immediately.
Why don’t we use toxicants to control wildlife?
- We like to prove animals are caught and gone from your home and do not die and start to smell inside your home.
- Toxicants can be dangerous to non-target species by directly eating the product, if it is not applied properly or indirectly by eating enough of the animals that ingested the poison (ie. a cat eating a bunch of poisoned mice).
Are we licensed and trained?
- Yes, all of our full-time technicians at NWC INC are licensed trappers and have been trained and certified by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association as Wildlife Control Operators.
Why is a cage trap not a live trap?
- A cage trap is not a live trap because if it is not set, monitored or handled properly the animal will die inside it, from heat exhaustion, freezing, stress and starvation.
What animals do we deal with?
- We deal with any animal that has fur, feathers or scales.
Do we pick up road kill?
- Yes please contact us for pricing.
Do we charge for our services and why?
- We charge a fee for what we do because this is our livelihood and expertise. All of our Technicians need to have the proper training, equipment and insurance to safely and humanely remove animals from your property.
- Calling us is no different than calling a plumber to fix a leaky faucet.
- For a price please contact us.
Do we pick up sick, injured or orphaned animals?
- Yes, we charge a fee for pick up and arrangements have to be made with animal rehabilitators. Otherwise we generally let nature take its course.
- Most of the time an orphaned animal, unless close to a roadway is not actually orphaned. The mother is not far away and just needs a break or is looking for food.
What kind of damage can animals do inside buildings?
- Not only can animals cause structural damage such as insulation and fascia they can pose many health risks.
- Animal feces can carry many diseases and viruses like histoplasmosis and roundworm.
- Rodents need to chew to survive and the often chew on electrical wires which could cause a fire.
How often do you check our traps?
- By law, we check our traps everyday.
Are there any other restrictions to removing wildlife?
- Yes, big game, migratory birds and endangered or threatened species require special permits to work with these animals.
Do we provide insect pest control services?
- No, we do have an exterminator pest control licence but for now we are concentrating on what we are able to provide the best service for.
Do we deal with feral cats or other domestic animals?
- No we don't usually deal with feral cats or domestic animals unless hired by a municipal office.
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