We are right in the middle of the dog days of summer. With the long hot days and buggy nights this is the most active time of year for bats. They are out almost every night eating as many bugs as possible to pack on the pounds and prepare for a long winter (in torpor state) hibernating.
Young bats are also about to emerge as well. We stop all of our bat evictions from May 15 to July 31 as per government regulations. From our own findings after 23 years in business we also wait about two weeks longer until the middle of August to do any “bat seal-ups”. The reason behind this is Little Brown Bats, Northern Bats and Tri-Coloured bats are all endangered species in Ontario. This time period also allows for the young bats to grow enough to be able to also leave the structure and not become stuck inside. We have also noticed a decrease in Little Brown bat numbers in our area. There are many factors that could have played a roll in this but White Nose Syndrome is likely the leading cause. Some good news we have read recently, through monitoring bats echolocations in nearby New York State a few different species of bats have been recorded. Could this mean different species of bats are moving into our area? We are not sure but we will keep you posted on anything interesting we find! |
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February 2021
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